In András Schiff's recital at Carnegie Hall without program announcement, it was so at home with his audience. He talked and played. But his sound was, "In experiencing Mr. Schiff at the piano — spilling out all this Bach from memory; looking preternaturally confident and relaxed, to the extent of spreading his right leg in a sort of sprawl, and exuding a proprietary air; sounding utterly spontaneous in his little embellishments — you felt that you were observing old Bach himself, making things up on the spot." Oestreich mentioned at New York Times review on Nov. 1, 2013.
This is not only Bach.
Especially Mendelssohn and Haydn "sounded utterly spontaneous"
He takes care of each voice line clearly, and simply, but so bold, that we can see the storyline very easily, and his play is very open so it is to many different type of people who have their own taste.