The Crypt Session, Andrew Ousley curated, a tiny-sized but intimate super essential musical session with about 40-50 audience at a church basement somewhere in Manhattan on December Friday night
Four Voces and Minimized Effective Instruments one-hour work by David Lang,
“Everytihing was essencial to me. They were very well prepared to provide us with a good environment to have good music. I can touch every note, acoustic by curved stones. The sound layer shows over 2000 Westan musical development to David by Ekmeles. The feeling and story came through my whole body and the sound touched me differently from any designed concert hall and as precious as the sound experience in New York.”
Jeffrey Gavett, conductor
Charlotte Mundy, soprano
Amber Evans, soprano
Tomás Cruz, tenor
Steven Hrycelak, bass
In the Crypt Session
David Lang, The Little Match Girl Passion